Human Person: Structure or Superstructure?

Politics and Economics. An Essay on the Genesis of Economic Development by Rocco Pezzimenti with an Afterword by Paolo Savona. Città Nuova (Rome), 230 pp., $18.00, 2006.“Despite the beliefs of numerous economists, a new idea is now taking hold, that to change our...

A Resurrection Apologetic

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N. T. Wright. Harper Collins (San Francisco) 240 pp., $29.50, cloth, 2006. Tom Wright is the author of many scholarly and popular books, including a popular-level translation and commentary of the New Testament (the...

A Case for Insular History

The Discovery of Islands by J. G. A. Pocock. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge), 358 pp., $75.00, 2006. Each generation revises history to fit its own needs and preoccupations because,while the past itself remains constant, the prism through with it is seen...

A Stubborn Ideology

Separation of Church and State by Philip Hamburger. Harvard University Press (Cambridge), 528 pp., $59.95 cloth, 2002.Few ideas have greater resonance in our political culture than belief in the separation of church and state. Indeed, so pervasive is its influence...

Protestantism and the Western LegalTradition

Law and Revolution, II: The Impact of the Protestant Reformation on the Western Legal Tradition by Harold J. Berman. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (Cambridge), 522 pp., $55.00 cloth, 2003 (originally published in 1983); 544 pp., $22.95 paper, 2006.In the...