Welcome Home to the Russell Kirk Center

Strengthening America’s Tradition of Order, Justice & Freedom

The Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal aims to recover, conserve, and enliven those enduring norms and principles that Russell Kirk (1918–1994) called the Permanent Things. Explore the Center’s programs, publications, and fellowships and join with us to continue Kirk’s work to renew our culture and redeem our time.

Sign up for our twice-yearly newsletter, Permanent Things, and receive our latest ebook, Russell Kirk’s Select Essays for our Times: Volume 1.

At the Kirk Center


June 18 | “The Book Gallery” Webinar

Join the editor of The University Bookman, Luke C. Sheahan, on Tuesday, June 18 at 7 pm, as he discusses Liberty Lost: The Rise and Demise of Voluntary Association in America Since Its Founding with Robert E. Wright. Register at this link.


On Campus

Explore Kirk On Campus

Russell Kirk understood his work was to convey to America’s rising generations an understanding of the process by which a healthy culture is transmitted from age to age.

We’re continuing this important work through Kirk on Campus as we host conversations about the permanent things on campuses across Michigan. We hope you’ll join us at an event, and help us prepare tomorrow’s leaders with an appreciation of the richness of the conservative intellectual tradition.

From the University Bookman

The Achievement of the Irish Poets

The Achievement of the Irish Poets

“…for Devlin, as for MacGreevy and Coffey, the purpose of art, including that of literary expression, was to call forth wonder, beauty, goodness, and truth, which required drawing from the rich stores of both philosophy and faith.”

Latest Pieces

The Last European

The Last European

“[The book] is a fascinating portrait of the collapse of the glorious cultural world of the first half of the 20th century, one that has much relevance to what is happening to the culture of the West today.”

A “Sputnik Moment” for Civics

A “Sputnik Moment” for Civics

“The key to effective civics is for teachers to engage students in ‘conversations based on primary sources.’ Immersion in such conversations, the authors contend, ‘makes us feel part of the story, making it ours too.'”

The Dublin Fog: In the Footsteps of the Irish Saints

The Dublin Fog: In the Footsteps of the Irish Saints

“Connie Marshner and Mike Aquilina have both published books this year that give us a window into this long-lost world of ancient Irish Christianity. Each is a discernment project, straining to see through a glass, darkly, how this middle eastern religion came to Ireland, whence it spread even farther abroad.”

About the Bookman

For six decades, the University Bookman, founded by Russell Kirk, has identified and discussed those books that diagnose the modern age and support the renewal of culture and the common good. Currently published online, the Bookman continues its mission of examining our times in light of the Permanent Things that make us human.

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Welcome home to the Russell Kirk Center