Nash Interview

Senior Fellow George H. Nash has participated in a two-part interview for the weblog Right Reason on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary edition of his Conservative Intellectual Movement in America. Part I can be found here, and Part II here.

The Virgin and the Dynamo

The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness by Virginia Postrel. HarperCollins (New York), 237 pp. $24.95 cloth, 2003. The Future and Its Enemies: The Growing Conflict over Creativity, Enterprise, and...

Ernest van den Haag (1914–2002)

In Memoriam With the death of Ernest van den Haag on March 21, 2002, the conservative movement lost one of its most redoubtable intellectual warriors in the decades after World War II. And the University Bookman lost one of its longtime friends and supporters. Like so...

Decline and Fall

At the End of an Age by John Lukacs. Yale University Press (New Haven, Connecticut), 240pp., $22.95 cloth, 2002. In his new book, At the End of an Age, historian John Lukacs argues that the Modern Era, which began about five hundred years ago, is rapidly coming to its...

The Reserved Powers of the Tenth Amendment

The Tenth Amendment and State Sovereignty: Constitutional History and Contemporary Issues Edited by Mark R. Killenbeck. Roman & Littlefield and Berkeley Public Policy Press (Lanham, Maryland), 206 pp., $69.00 cloth, $28.95 paper, 2001. TheTenth Amendment can best...