Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

October 2009 Edward Ericson with Annette Kirk and McConnell Center director Gary Gregg at a reception at Piety Hill. A 2008 Seminar at Piety Hill Annette Kirk with an actor playing John Adamsand carrying a copy of Russell Kirk’s The Roots of American...

Colson on Kirk

We were pleased to note Chuck Colson referencing Russell Kirk so warmly, and correctly noting Dr. Kirk’s rejection of ideology, in a commentary from June 6, 2008 titled “True Conservatism.”

Defending the Conversation

In the newest of the Bookman’s web-only content, James Seaton reviews Anthony Kronman’s stirring defense of a traditional liberal-arts education. Click here for the review!

A Stirring Defense of the Conversation

Education’s End: Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given Up on the Meaning of Life by Anthony T. Kronman. Yale University Press (New Haven), 320 pages, hardcover, $27.50; 2007 In the decades since The Closing of the American Mind became a bestseller, many critics...

Kirk on Eliot

A new edition of Dr. Kirk’s acclaimed literary biography, Eliot and His Age: T. S. Eliot’s Moral Imagination in the Twentieth Century is being published in July 2008 by ISI Books.