Video on the Influence of Russell Kirk in Europe

Karl von Habsburg spoke at the announcement in Prague in 2000 of the Czech translation of Russell Kirk’s The Conservative Mind. The video of his remarks is available here. Karl is the son of Otto von Habsburg, who died in July (we posted a memorial article by...

What was the Enlightenment?

A Revolution of the Mind: Radical Enlightenment and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Democracy by Jonathan Israel (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010). Pages xiv, 276. “For what do we live,” Mr. Bennet asked his second daughter, having just read to her...

The Oracle of the South

The Essential Calhoun: Selections from Writings, Speeches, and Letters. Edited with an Introduction by Clyde Wilson. Foreword by Russell Kirk. Transaction Publishers (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903), 436 pp., $32.95. The contemporary academic...

Peter Stanlis, RIP

Peter Stanlis was a great friend to the Bookman and author of the Burke revival. May he rest in peace.

Duggan book

We congratulate Joseph Duggan on the release of his e-book Give Paz a Chance and the impending publication of The Zuckerberg Galaxy: A Primer for Negotiating the Media Maelstrom, portions of which first appeared in the University Bookman.