What’s the Supreme Court Supposed to Do?

The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789–2008 by Lucas A Powe, Jr. Harvard University Press (Cambridge and London), 432 pages, paper $19.95, 2011. Sometime in 2012 the United States Supreme Court will issue its most important opinion in the twenty-first century...

More on Otto von Habsburg

Bookman associate editor David Bonagura has written a piece for The Catholic Thing, “Otto von Habsburg: Monarch, Freedom Fighter, Catholic,” as the late Archduke was laid to rest with his ancestors.

Pressing On

This summer saw the passing of Otto von Habsburg, a living embodiment—perhaps the last such—of the European order swept away by the Great War. We have included a fitting tribute to the Archduke—whose son, Karl, studied with Russell Kirk as a Wilbur Fellow—by Denis...
Otto von Habsburg (20 November 1912–4 July 2011)

Otto von Habsburg (20 November 1912–4 July 2011)

“Because we have the truth,” replied Otto von Habsburg when I asked him why he was convinced that Europe would return to the Christian faith. In light of the ongoing political secularization and the influx of non-Christian immigration in Europe, I, a Catholic and...

Individual and Community—and God

The Difference God Makes: A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture by Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 2009.This collection of essays by Chicago Archbishop Francis Cardinal George brings the resources of the Catholic...