Pointless Protest of American Poetry

Beautiful & Pointless: A Guide to Modern Poetry by David Orr. HarperCollins Publishers (New York, NY), 2011, xviii + 200 pp., $25.99 In this, his first book, David Orr, the poetry columnist for the New York Times Book Review, attempts to persuade the general...

From Materialism to Meaning

The Southern Critics: An Anthology edited by Glen Arbery. Wilmington, DE: ISI Press, 2010, 384 pp. paper, $22Glen Arbery has compiled the key writings of the Southern Critics, a loosely affiliated group of writers, poets, and teachers in the early decades of the last...

Conservation as a Conservative Concern

The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture, 3rd edition, by Wendell Berry (Sierra Club Books, 1996; originally published in 1977), 234 pages.In one of his syndicated columns published during the 1970s, the founder of The University Bookman famously wrote,...
Max Lerner’s America

Max Lerner’s America

America as a Civilization, by Max Lerner. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957, 1,011 pp.By attempting to discuss everything in America, Professor Lerner succeeds in analyzing nothing well. Pretentious and shallow, America as a Civilization offers little insight into...

Spring Newsletter

The latest number of the Russell Kirk Center newsletter (Spring 2011) has just been posted. It features a profile of Ian Crowe, the new editor of Studies in Burke and His Times and an interview with W. Winston Elliott III. You can download it, and past issues,...