Rescuing the Past

The Iona Conspiracy by G. L. Gregg. Winged Lion Press, 2010, 432 pp., $18. The Iona Conspiracy, the sequel to Dr. Gary Gregg’s novel The Sporran, is a gripping tale which follows the adventures of thirteen-year-old Jacob Boyd. In the previous book, Jacob came to...

The Faith of Men of Letters

Eliot and His Age: T. S. Eliot’s Moral Imagination in the Twentieth Century by Russell Kirk. Sherwood Sugden and Company, Publishers (La Salle, Ill.), 1984. xii + 476 pp. $12.95 paper. Second edition with an introduction by Benjamin G. Lockerd Jr., ISI Books, 2008....

Champion of Faith and Common Sense

Defiant Joy: The Remarkable Life & Impact of G. K. Chesterton by Kevin Belmonte. Thomas Nelson, 2011, $16.99, 318 pages Many years ago, this reviewer attended a weekend stay at the home of a prominent historian and Roman Catholic gentleman, to assess his personal...

Lincoln and the Dignity of the Presidency

The Roman Republic was at the back of the minds of the framers of the American Constitution; it was their hope that the chief magistrate of these United States would conduct himself with “the high old Roman virtue,” becoming an exemplar of pietas, gravitas,...