Ian Crowe

Ian Crowe is a research fellow with the Institute for Religion, Politics and Culture at Washington College, Maryland, a senior fellow at the Russell Kirk Center, Mecosta, Michigan, and executive editor of Studies in Burke and His Time. He studied Modern History at St....

(The Future of) Liberalism in Our Disordered Age

Post-Liberalism: The Death of a Dream by Melvyn L. Fein. Transaction Press, 2012. Cloth, 359 pages, $40.Reality is never as we think of it. Yet we must live, act, think, choose, and find our place within some story about reality that purports to lay out the...
Prog Rock and the Permanent Things: More with Bradley Birzer

Prog Rock and the Permanent Things: More with Bradley Birzer

This is the second of two parts of a conversation with Bradley Birzer, who holds the Russell Amos Kirk Chair of American Studies at Hillsdale College and is one of his generation’s most important scholars of conservative thought and the tradition of Christian...

Think Local, Act Local

How to Think Seriously About the Planet: The Case for an Environmental Conservatism by Roger Scruton. Oxford University Press, 2012. Hardcover, 464 pages, $30.The political left has long dominated the modern environmental movement. British philosopher Roger Scruton...