Opening Belle: A Novel by Maureen Sherry. Simon & Schuster, 2016 Hardcover, 338 pp., $25.Books, especially first novels by new novelists in search of an audience, are marketed with a singular purpose. In order to attract sales and readership, they are classified...
C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity: A Biography by George M. Marsden. Lives of Great Religious Books series. Princeton University Press,2016. Hardcover, 264 pages, $25.George M. Marsden, the Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Notre...
TO THE POINT: THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1965The gentleman and scholar who shyly dominated the republic of letters in Britain and America—Mr. T. S. Eliot—died a few days ago. Though we met only occasionally, sometimes in London and once in Edinburgh, there subsisted...
Eumeswil. By Ernst Jünger. Translated by Joachim Neugroschel. Introduction by Russell A. Berman. Telos Press, 2015. Paperback, 330 pages, $27. Ernst Jünger (1895–1998) was twentieth-century Germany’s most prolific writer. Throughout his long career he wrote novels,...
Continuing in our celebration of the centenary of "Democracy and Leadership" by Irving Babbitt, reviewer Claes G. Ryn discusses the hostile reactions to Babbitt's views in his time.