Love and the Law Professors

Law Professors: Three Centuries of Shaping American Law by Stephen B. Presser. West Academic Publishing, 2017. Hardcover, 502 pages, $48. Reviewed by Allen Mendenhall As improbable as it sounds, someone has written “a love letter to the teaching of law.” At least...

H Is for Heritage Rejected

H Is for Hawk by Helen MacDonald. Grove Press, Reprint Edition, 2016. Paper, 320 pages, $16. Reviewed by Jason Morgan In her beautifully crafted H Is for Hawk, Helen MacDonald’s readers meet a sensitive woman—broken on the wheel of bad relationships, family tragedy,...

Canada as Cradle of Conservatism?

The North American High Tory Tradition by Ron Dart. Foreword by Jonathan M. Paquette. American Anglican Press, 2016. Paperback, 337 pages, $28.Today the term “High Tory” is more likely to appear in a dusty, forgotten history of aristocratic estates enshrouded in mist...

Conservative Thinking on Immigration

Citizen, Community, and Welcoming the Stranger. A Bookman Symposium The recent executive order from President Trump concerning immigration has caused controversy noticeable even by the unusual standards of this most unusual administration. The question of immigration...
Toward a Conservative Immigration Policy

Toward a Conservative Immigration Policy

Symposium: Citizen, Community, and Welcoming the Stranger by Yuval Levin Thinking seriously about immigration has become much harder than it needs to be for both conservatives and liberals in America. Our political debates about the subject since this century began...