New Edition of Kirk’s “The Politics of Prudence” Forthcoming The Kirk Center is delighted to announce that a 30th Anniversary Edition of Russell Kirk’s popular book, The Politics of Prudence, is forthcoming from Regnery Publishing with a new...
Acton Institute interns on their annual Kirk Center retreat: “Absolutely fantastic!” The Kirk Center welcomed Acton Institute interns for their 2023 intellectual retreat, focusing on Russell Kirk’s best known work, The Conservative Mind, which turns...
The Old Faith in a New Nation: American Protestants and the Christian Past By Paul J. Gutacker. Oxford University Press, 2023. Paperback, 264 pages, $29.95. Reviewed by Glenn A. Moots. Paul Gutacker’s The Old Faith in a New Nation: American Protestants and the...
Protestant Social Teaching: An Introduction Edited by Onsi Aaron Kamel, Jake Meador, and Joseph Minich. The Davenant Press, 2022. Paperback, 270 pages, $26.95. Reviewed by Joshua Bowman. One of the greatest dangers to the vitality and orthodoxy of Protestant...
Writing and the Moral Imagination Workshop This July, the Kirk Center held its first conference focused on “Writing and the Moral Imagination” for a select group of young professionals. The program brings together two themes central to the life and work of...
"The things we love and are grateful for in our Western societies are under attack. We might very well lose them, and this realization is animating conservatives like Roberts to advocate for “offensive conservatism” before our fragile civilization is lost."
Great essay from…