Kirk was convinced that in our age, the unimagined life is not worth living for a human being. He labored to reform our sensibilities, so that we could see ourselves both for what we are and for what we have become. He labored to make available an intellectual...
Russell Kirk’s 1953 book The Conservative Mind gave American conservatives an identity and a genealogy and catalyzed the postwar conservative movement.
Russell Kirk has defended traditional values in a culture that restlessly seeks the shock of the new. Through numerous writings and lectures, conversations and seminars, he has taught Americans about America—about its deeply conservative habits, about the roots of its...
As the prophet of American conservatism, Russell Kirk has taught, nurtured, and inspired a generation. From . . . Piety Hill, he reached deep into the roots of American values, writing and editing central works of political philosophy. His intellectual...
Grateful for @SarahSoltis02's review of *Mothers, Children, and the Body Politic* @ubookman. I've now heard from several moms who have read my book while holding a sleeping baby or a tired or sick child. Intellectual motherhood looks like this sometimes.
To Awaken the Uneasy Sleeper: New Vistas on Russell Kirk’s Fiction---"The Wizard of Mecosta: Russell Kirk, Gothic Fiction, and the Moral Imagination" by Camilo Peralta. @VernonPress. Reviewed by James E. Person Jr.