Thinking about Thinking: Mind and Meaning in the Era of Techno-Nihilism James D. Madden. Cascade Books, 2023. Paperback, 220 pages, $29. Reviewed by David Weinberger. Ever wonder what it means to have a mind? Is thinking, for example, unique to the human species? Or...
Jerome’s Tears: Letters to Friends in Mourning Introduction and Translation by David G. Bonagura, Jr. Sophia Institute Press, 2023. Paperback, 128 pages, $18.95. Reviewed by David Weinberger. The death of a loved one can be wrenchingly painful. It is during such a...
The Gospel Truth: How We Can Know What Christ Taught By Gary Michuta. Emmaus Road Publishing, 2023. Hardcover, 176 pages, $24.95. Reviewed by David Weinberger. Unlike every other religion, Christianity stakes its entire claim to legitimacy on whether certain...
Philosophy: What Every Catholic Should Know By Peter Kreeft. Ignatius Press, 2023. Paperback, 270 pages, $16.95 Reviewed by David Weinberger. In the latest of his more than 100 books, philosopher Peter Kreeft answers 72 pressing philosophical questions ranging from...
Who Are You, Really?: A Philosopher’s Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Persons By Joshua Rasmussen. IVP Academic, 2023. Paperback, 300 pages, $30. Reviewed by David Weinberger. “By my analysis, then, I am led to this vision of reality: the primary nature...