The World of Yesterday: Memoirs of a European By Stefan Zweig. Viking Press, 1943 (English Translation). Reviewed by John P. Rossi. On February 23, 1942, while Axis forces were triumphing everywhere—the Japanese overrunning the Philippines, the British withdrawing...
On Every Tide: The Making and Remaking of the Irish World By Sean Connolly. Basic Books, 2022. Hardcover, 528 pp. $35. Reviewed by John P. Rossi. Writing about the Irish diaspora, especially as it relates to those Irish who emigrated to the United States, has...
By John Rossi. It is rare when an historical study, even when scholarly challenged, continues to dominate an interpretation of events. Churchill’s indictment of appeasement in The Gathering Storm and Richard Hofstadter’s study of the flaws of the progressive idea in...
Hitler’s American Gamble: Pearl Harbor and Germany’s March to Global War By Brendan Simms and Charlie Laderman. Basic Books, 2021. Hardcover, 528 pages, $35. Reviewed by John Rossi. Among the many questions concerning World War II that have fascinated and...
Churchill’s Shadow: The Life and Afterlife of Winston Churchill By Geoffrey Wheatcroft. W.W. Norton and Company, 2021. Hardcover, 640 pages, $40. Reviewed by John P. Rossi. In this new study of Winston Churchill’s life and (especially) his afterlife, Geoffrey...
To Awaken the Uneasy Sleeper: New Vistas on Russell Kirk’s Fiction---"The Wizard of Mecosta: Russell Kirk, Gothic Fiction, and the Moral Imagination" by Camilo Peralta. @VernonPress. Reviewed by James E. Person Jr.
Halting the Assembly Line Life---@SarahSoltis02 reviews "Mothers, Children, and the Body Politic: Ancient Christianity and the Recovery of Human Dignity" by @NadyaWilliams81. @ivpress