What Do Conservatives Believe?

What Do Conservatives Believe?

What Do Conservatives Believe? An evening conversation with Mike Pence and Betsy DeVos On Wednesday, May 31, 2023, The Russell Kirk Center made institutional history by hosting nearly 300 leaders, students and educators, friends and supporters at an event featuring a...

Dr. Jeffrey Polet

Dr. Jeffrey Polet Jeff Polet is Director of the Ford Leadership Forum at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation. Previously he was a Professor of Political Science at Hope College, and before that at Malone College in Canton, OH. A native of West Michigan, he...

Permanence and Change

By Russell Kirk From Prospects for Conservatives (Regnery Gateway edition, 1989) The liveliest definition of the word conservative is Ambrose Bierce’s in The Devil’s Dictionary: “Conservative, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as...