by Peter Edman | Sep 21, 2016
The Shepherd’s Crown by Terry Pratchett. HarperCollins, 2015. Hardcover, 288 pages, $19.An agnostic friend once divided the science fiction novels of Ursula LeGuin into “Good Ursula” and “Bad Ursula”—by which he meant whether or not her didacticism hijacked her story....
by Peter Edman | Feb 28, 2016
Wealth, Poverty, and Politics: An International Perspective by Thomas Sowell. Basic Books, 2015. Hardcover, 244 pages plus notes and index, $30. Last summer, after more than two decades in Northern Virginia, I moved with my family to Germantown in northwest...
by Peter Edman | Jan 6, 2013
The Poetics of Evil: Toward an Aesthetic Theodicy by Philip Tallon. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Cloth, 266 pages, $74.While preparing an anthology, I once spent several months researching the “problem of evil.” I remember learning about genocides. Not...
by Peter Edman | May 15, 2007
Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N. T. Wright. Harper Collins (San Francisco) 240 pp., $29.50, cloth, 2006. Tom Wright is the author of many scholarly and popular books, including a popular-level translation and commentary of the New Testament (the...