The University Bookman

Reviewing Books that Build Culture

Revivifying the Conservative Movement

“Roberts has perceived the deep and fundamental crisis within the American body politic, and that crisis is a spiritual crisis.”

The Centrality of Civic Virtue

“A just polity grows as we acquire a moral sense, which fosters attitudes and actions of benevolence toward others…”

Revivifying the Conservative Movement

“Roberts has perceived the deep and fundamental crisis within the American body politic, and that crisis is a spiritual crisis.”

Virtuous Living, Not Just for Philosophers

“Abela refers to both the cardinal virtues and their many subsidiary virtues as ‘super habits’ in order to tap into the popularity of recent books about the importance of habit formation.”

Is Life Worth Living?

Is Life Worth Living?

“Both on authority and through his own insights and experiences, Kirk had come to understand that there exists a realm of being beyond this temporal world and that a mysterious providence works in human affairs—that man is made for eternity. Such knowledge had been consolation and compensation for sorrow.”

Recovering the Person

Recovering the Person

“[Bailie] examines this impending, all-too-possible crisis facing Western societies by studying the construction, evolution, and coming apocalypse of the sovereign self.”

Contra Materialism and Gnosticism

Contra Materialism and Gnosticism

“Jones argues that our elites, by which he means ‘the most influential people in the richest parts of the world,’ have undermined our flourishing as human beings, and that we must rediscover our true meaning and purpose if we wish to achieve real happiness.”

More than Regime Change, We Need a New Cosmological Vision

Revolution and Counter Revolution

“We might hope that a fuller discussion may arise that brings to light how the traditional conservative commitment to ordered liberty and checked power compares to the various ideological options on offer from today’s right.”

Christians in the Brave New World

Christians in the Brave New World

“[The book] gives Christians tools to read the cultural terrain. It makes a strong argument that evangelistic and discipleship tactics must be updated to account for current conditions. And it offers outside-the-box suggestions for strengthening evangelical households and institutions.”

Still Believing and Singing

Still Believing and Singing

“[It is] a book that will resonate with many readers because of how it connects the personal stories about Jeremy Camp’s life to universal themes about faith and adversity.”

The Book Gallery

A collection of conversations with Bookman editor Luke C. Sheahan and writers and authors of imagination and erudition.

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