The University Bookman

Reviewing Books that Build Culture

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Help us reach our $20k goal this “Kirktober”

Hope—Is It Warranted at This Point?

“The past generation of American life, on Hunter’s account, has been one of intensifying ‘exhaustion’ and distrust, as the sources of pluralism have multiplied, and the endlessly ‘worked-through’ soil of the hybrid-Enlightenment has come to seem dry and depleted, no longer able to provide plausible accounts of human nature and the meaning of history that a majority of Americans can sign onto.”

The Life of Joseph Epstein

“This might have been a highly political book detailing the evolution of a conventional Cold War liberal into the conservative that he is regarded as being (even if he doesn’t label himself as such in these pages). It might have been, but it isn’t. No, this memoir was written simply because Epstein sees his life as ’emblematic of the times’ and secondly because he sees himself as having acquired the literary skill necessary to ‘recount that life well.'”

Why Public Reason Fails

Why Public Reason Fails

“It is only at a local level that true political deliberation among citizens can take place. Holston’s central message is that, if deliberative democrats are serious about their enterprise, they ought to be working to devolve decision making to the local level as far as possible.”

Christian Freedom and the Western Political Tradition

Christian Freedom and the Western Political Tradition

“For Schindler, there is no tradition without freedom, and no freedom without tradition. These ideas are a precious heritage to be guarded with great care, because they are a gift of the wise born before the present and the God who inspired their wisdom.”

The Spiritualist Origins of Modern Disorder

The Spiritualist Origins of Modern Disorder

“…the dominant characteristic of the new spirituality was the inflation, as egregious as it was absurd, of thought, of language, and of self: every man (or woman) a prophet, every man his own priest, every man a genius, each dedicated to what Dominic Green calls ‘the aristocrat within.’”

A Time for Restoration

A Time for Restoration

“…Manent and Scruton offer affirmation that the Good is supported in the nature of things, that human beings are capable of cultivating and acting according to political reason, and that the integrity of a national community is requisite for virtue and liberty.”

The Book Gallery

A collection of conversations with Bookman editor Luke C. Sheahan and writers and authors of imagination and erudition.

We're pleased to share that our Kirktober campaign in support of @ubookman is already off to a great start. $1k raised and counting from 17 supporters. Help us continue to review the books that shape culture by getting involved here:

Kirktober is right around the corner, and for the first and only time this year, we're asking for your help in raising $20k to cover @ubookman operating expenses through spring 2025.

Learn more and support this "jewel of a journal" here:

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