The University Bookman

Reviewing Books that Build Culture

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Hope—Is It Warranted at This Point?

“The past generation of American life, on Hunter’s account, has been one of intensifying ‘exhaustion’ and distrust, as the sources of pluralism have multiplied, and the endlessly ‘worked-through’ soil of the hybrid-Enlightenment has come to seem dry and depleted, no longer able to provide plausible accounts of human nature and the meaning of history that a majority of Americans can sign onto.”

The Life of Joseph Epstein

“This might have been a highly political book detailing the evolution of a conventional Cold War liberal into the conservative that he is regarded as being (even if he doesn’t label himself as such in these pages). It might have been, but it isn’t. No, this memoir was written simply because Epstein sees his life as ’emblematic of the times’ and secondly because he sees himself as having acquired the literary skill necessary to ‘recount that life well.'”

Literary Virtue and Vice

Literary Virtue and Vice

“Griffis, Ooms, and Roberts offer practices of thought and attention that those eager to read deeply would do well to implement. Yet those eager to learn how Christianity ought to inform their reading and thinking would do well to consult other writers less concerned with rehearsing the language of our milieu, such as C.S. Lewis, Flannery O’Connor, T.S. Eliot, Dana Gioia.”

JP O’Malley Interviews Author Maurice Samuels

JP O’Malley Interviews Author Maurice Samuels

“‘Dreyfus’s Jewishness played a major role’ in convincing many within the army hierarchy to believe he was a traitor and a spy, Samuels stresses… This, in essence, is the main thesis put forward in [the book]. ‘Clearly, you cannot write about this case without mentioning the fact that Dreyfus was Jewish, or bringing up the role of antisemitism,’ the historian points out.”

The Left Wing Patriot

The Left Wing Patriot

“A man of the left and an American patriot, [Peretz] is a rare bird today—and, therefore, possibly even a controversial one, not to mention an iconoclastic one.” 

Will You Also Go Away?

Will You Also Go Away?

“The suggestions that these True Confessions pose for renewal are aligned, whether they come from bishops or laypeople: we must recover the view that the Church is not an institution but a community founded on encountering Jesus Christ and living radically for him.”

Sailing East

Sailing East

“As we push deeper into the third decade of the twenty-first century, the sense of boredom and anxiety of the early twenty-first century only seems to increase. What is needed is a renewed sense of adventure, confidence, and patriotism—the same sense of adventure, confidence, and patriotism that propelled the East India Company to create the wealth and wonder of the modern world.”

The Republic and the American Right

The Republic and the American Right

“…Kevin Slack traces our continuing national horror back to its roots, America’s roots, in his scathing new book… Slack dedicates his screed to patriotic Americans ‘disgusted by our rotting plutocracy…'”

Evil and Good in Cormac McCarthy

Evil and Good in Cormac McCarthy

“Vereen M. Bell’s primary contention is that McCarthy presents us with a dead end—confronting us, in a kind of stoical existentialism, with the universality of death and non-being.”

TIME Marches On… Past 100 

TIME Marches On… Past 100 

“As TIME ‘goes on,’ therefore, and we commemorate its achievements, the career  of Henry Robinson Luce, the ‘Man of TIME’s Century,’ deserves recognition.”

The Book Gallery

A collection of conversations with Bookman editor Luke C. Sheahan and writers and authors of imagination and erudition.

We're pleased to share that our Kirktober campaign in support of @ubookman is already off to a great start. $1k raised and counting from 17 supporters. Help us continue to review the books that shape culture by getting involved here:

Kirktober is right around the corner, and for the first and only time this year, we're asking for your help in raising $20k to cover @ubookman operating expenses through spring 2025.

Learn more and support this "jewel of a journal" here:

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