The University Bookman

Reviewing Books that Build Culture

Revivifying the Conservative Movement

“Roberts has perceived the deep and fundamental crisis within the American body politic, and that crisis is a spiritual crisis.”

The Centrality of Civic Virtue

“A just polity grows as we acquire a moral sense, which fosters attitudes and actions of benevolence toward others…”

Revivifying the Conservative Movement

“Roberts has perceived the deep and fundamental crisis within the American body politic, and that crisis is a spiritual crisis.”

Virtuous Living, Not Just for Philosophers

“Abela refers to both the cardinal virtues and their many subsidiary virtues as ‘super habits’ in order to tap into the popularity of recent books about the importance of habit formation.”

A Cure For Boredom

A Cure For Boredom

“Kevin Hood Gary’s book… is an important contribution to the Aristotelian tradition, which emphasizes the importance of how human beings use their free time.”

Communism: Product of the Fallen West

Communism: Product of the Fallen West

“The reason the Western world should fear Communism, according to Sheen, is not because it is a strong force but rather because the West is weak due to the fact that it has turned away from God and morality.”

Choosing a Currency

Choosing a Currency

“…White succeeds in presenting the complexity of money and its purpose in a way that is both informative and friendly to the general reader.”

“To Help Man Endure by Lifting His Heart”: Earl Hamner at 100

“To Help Man Endure by Lifting His Heart”: Earl Hamner at 100

“Through his work, Earl Hamner not only became one of America’s favorite storytellers; he also became a conservator of the truth that though the modern world disdains the past and elevates immediacy, wealth, and power, the true measure of life’s meaning lies in love, grace, gentleness, forgiveness, and joy.”

Real Natural Law 

Real Natural Law 

“The existence of God and his providential governance of the universe are the right subjects for public debate over the basis and content of natural law.”

Knights On a Darkling Plain

Knights On a Darkling Plain

“Kirk’s reminder speaks to the selflessness of those who defend the ‘permanent things’ and the importance of these things (family, community, faith, and tradition) to our world.”

The Book Gallery

A collection of conversations with Bookman editor Luke C. Sheahan and writers and authors of imagination and erudition.

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