The University Bookman
Reviewing Books that Build Culture
Philosophy and the Meaningful Life
“As Augustine realized, it is not enough to merely know the good, the true and the beautiful. We must lead our lives in conformity with them.”
Why Beauty Matters
“…the cultivation of beauty is an education in itself, a discipline that must be practiced in daily life.”
Christian Freedom and the Western Political Tradition
“For Schindler, there is no tradition without freedom, and no freedom without tradition. These ideas are a precious heritage to be guarded with great care, because they are a gift of the wise born before the present and the God who inspired their wisdom.”
The Spiritualist Origins of Modern Disorder
“…the dominant characteristic of the new spirituality was the inflation, as egregious as it was absurd, of thought, of language, and of self: every man (or woman) a prophet, every man his own priest, every man a genius, each dedicated to what Dominic Green calls ‘the aristocrat within.’”
Politics Awaiting the City of God: James Schall, S.J. on The Nature of Political Philosophy
“This volume collects essays where Schall has reflected on questions of political philosophy that were at the very heart of his vocation as a Catholic teacher.”
A Time for Restoration
“…Manent and Scruton offer affirmation that the Good is supported in the nature of things, that human beings are capable of cultivating and acting according to political reason, and that the integrity of a national community is requisite for virtue and liberty.”
Reading as a Spiritual Practice
“…Wilson declares, ‘there is a different way of reading for Christians than for others.’ Her subtitle is meant quite literally: ‘reading is a spiritual discipline akin to fasting and prayer.'”
U.S. Trade Policy According to Robert Lighthizer
“Lighthizer… must be credited with disrupting nearly 80 years of establishment orthodoxy on trade.”
Making Sense of Libertarianism
“Matt Zwolinski and John Tomasi… have written an excellent, and perhaps the definitive, book on the history of libertarianism… This is a serious work of intellectual history…”
The Book Gallery
A collection of conversations with Bookman editor Luke C. Sheahan and writers and authors of imagination and erudition.