The University Bookman
Reviewing Books that Build Culture
Kirk and Del Noce: Two Philosophers Connected through History
“The connections between Del Noce and Kirk provide fresh insights to wade through today’s cultural, philosophical, and political upheavals.”
Liberal Education in the Progressive University
“In opposition to much of the postmodern academy, Drees puts forward the quest for objective knowledge as the standard for responsible scholarship.”
Helping Those Who Help Themselves
“…what does it mean to be compassionate, and who are the needy?”
Essentially Lying About the Left and Right
“Ideology allows us to hide the fact that we are really a tribal people…”
The Troubled Science of the Middle East
“Sectarian identity does indeed fluctuate in importance in the Middle East, but it is always present not far under the surface…”
All Too Human After All
“…Edward S. Cooke, Jr. attempts to provide not only a new history of world art, but a new (potentially very controversial), innovative method of examining human cultural artifacts.”
What We Should Have Known About Pandemics and Politics Before COVID
“What was missing from much of the media coverage of this most recent pandemic was a sense of history. It represented not a novel human catastrophe but instead merely the latest of a long series of pandemics that have beset humankind, going back to the beginnings of recorded history and beyond.”
Wielding Weighty Words to Salvage the World
“Not unlike a prime Bordeaux, this collection of essays, originally published in hardcover in June 2012, has suffered not at all from the passage of time.”
When Virginians Ruled (or, Against Political Nostalgia)
“Like previous critics of the Jeffersonians Henry Adams and Forrest McDonald… Gutzman highlights the perils of the ideological political style.”
The Book Gallery
A collection of conversations with Bookman editor Luke C. Sheahan and writers and authors of imagination and erudition.