The Living Edmund Burke

Getting up in recent months an anthology of conservative writing, The Portable Conservative Reader, I had reason to re-read much of Burke. More than ever before, I was impressed with how relevant Burke’s thoughts—and, indeed, Burke’s actions—remain to our present...

How Dead is Edmund Burke?

Walk beside the Liffey in Dublin, a trifle west of the dome of the Four Courts, and you come to Number 12, Arran Quay. This is a brick building of three stories, which began as a gentleman’s residence, some time since became a shop, and now is a governmental office of...

Burke, Providence, and Archaism

The Political Reason of Edmund Burke. By Francis Canavan, S. J. Duke University Press. 1960. $5.00. Edmund Burke and Ireland. By Thomas H. D. Mahoney. Harvard University Press. 1960. $7.50. The Correspondence of Edmund Burke. Edited by Lucy S. Sutherland. Volume II...

Burke and the Principle of Order

What Matthew Arnold called “an epoch of concentration” seems to be impending over the English-speaking world. The revolutionary impulses and the social enthusiasms which have dominated this era since their great explosion in Russia are now confronted with a...

Kirk on Eliot on PT

By ‘the Permanent Things’ [T. S. Eliot] meant those elements in the human condition that give us our nature, without which we are as the beasts that perish. They work upon us all in the sense that both they and we are bound up in that continuity of belief...