Change and Continuity

It is with great pleasure and a deep sense of gratitude that I assume the role of editor of The University Bookman. I want to extend my thanks to Jeff Nelson, Annette Kirk, the Earhart Foundation, the Bookman advisory board, and all the staff at the Kirk Center and...

Welcome and Farewells

Publisher’s NoteFor the past decade I have been privileged to follow in my esteemed father-in-law’s footprints and edit this unique quarterly book review journal. It has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. As you, our loyal readers know, the last...

A Tribute to Russell Kirk

The death of Russell Kirk is an irreplaceable loss not only to his family and friends but to this review as well. For over thirty-three years he edited this publication, reminding us that education has for its ultimate ends wisdom and virtue. We present this special...

Correcting the Record

In her enjoyable new book, Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got it Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First, Mona Charen quotes the response of the historian Henry Steele Commager to President Reagan’s famous “evil empire” speech in March 1983....

The Decline of the Liberal Imagination

The two dominant systems of thought in our time are conservatism and liberalism. Of course, there are many variants of the two, but with the demise of Marxism, they remain the principal political movements vying for ascendancy over the minds of men. In the previous...