The Kirk Center knows of few better friends or champions of the moral imagination in humane letters than Edward E. Ericson Jr., Emeritus Professor of English at Calvin College. A distinguished authority on the life and works of the Russian man of letters Aleksandr...
On this, the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Russell Kirk, April 29, we would like to announce the posting of a link to a companion website that features video interviews with scholars, prominent persons in the conservative movement, and with Russell Kirk...
We are pleased to announce a new number of Permanent Things, the newsletter of the Russell Kirk Center, edited by Ben Lockerd. The spring 2009 edition features a retrospective of thirty years of the Wilbur Foundation program. You may download it at this link (PDF,...
We are pleased to announce a new number of Permanent Things, the newsletter of the Russell Kirk Center, now edited by Ben Lockerd and featuring a report on the recent T. S. Eliot conference and a summary of the year for the Center. You may download it at this link...
Russell Kirk’s ghostly tale “Ex Tenebris” has been released as an audio book on CD by The Trinity Forum. The production features an introduction by Senior Fellow Vigen Guroian on “The Importance of Place” and is narrated by David Schock. You can order copies...
The Kirk Center is pleased to announce that will periodically be posting video clips from our archive on the web site. The first two videos are now available—a 1993 interview with Russell Kirk on the fortieth anniversary of The Conservative Mind, and a 1996 interview...
So easy to forget that the best way to educate yourself is to read great works of literature and philosophy, then talk about them. Bring back the salon!