Bradley J. Birzer

Bradley J. Birzer is well known through his magisterial biography, Russell Kirk: American Conservative. As a result of that terrific book and his years of writing, especially as the co-founder and senior contributor of The Imaginative Conservative, Brad is recognized as a leading scholar on Kirk and his place in American conservatism. Brad is also a sought-after speaker, and the range of his writing interests is truly Kirkian in scope.

He is the author of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Sanctifying Myth: Understanding Middle EarthThe Augustianian Life and Mind of Christopher DawsonAmerican Cicero: The Life of Charles Carroll, and has a co-edited volume of James Fennimore Cooper’s The American Democrat.

Brad is a beloved professor of history at Hillsdale College, where he holds, appropriately enough, the Russell Amos Kirk Chair. He is also a Fellow of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Through all his books and writings and teaching, Brad has sought to recover and renew the great tradition of Christian humanism. In the process, he has proved himself to be among the very few consequential writers laboring in that tradition.