What Do Students Say about the Center?

April was a busy month of programming at the Kirk Center. Of the four educational programs we held, two were four-day seminars for graduate and undergraduate students, while the other two were shorter programs for students from Calvin University and from St. Michael’s High School in Petoskey, Michigan. Student comments on their experience included:

  • My time at the Kirk Center is the pinnacle of my academic leisure time.
  • The discussions were excellent and informative.
  • Incredible!  Understood the book much more.  Also became better friends with the participants.
  • The place helped me get in the mindset of scholarly work. Even better for private research.
  • Wonderful beyond expectations!  I would love to come back!
  • Fantastic.  The hospitality is wonderful and the Center staff is very passionate about what they do.
  • I would use every capability in my power to get [other students] there.

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