The Leadership of George Marshall

The Leadership of George Marshall

The Making of a Leader: The Formative Years of George C. Marshall By Josiah Bunting III. Knopf, 2024. Hardcover, 272 pages, $30. Reviewed by David Hein. Although long in gestation, this study of the formation of General George C. Marshall would have benefited from...
The Woman Who Loved Lord Byron

The Woman Who Loved Lord Byron

Lady Caroline Lamb: A Free Spirit By Antonia Fraser. Pegasus Books, 2023. Hardcover, 224 pages, $28.95. Reviewed by Paul Krause. “Lady Caroline Lamb broke the rules.” Who was Lady Caroline Lamb, the great rulebreaker, “free spirit,” and lady who nearly destroyed Lord...
A Gentleman Out of Moscow

A Gentleman Out of Moscow

Goodbye Russia: Rachmaninoff in Exile By Fiona Maddocks. Pegasus Books, 2024. Hardcover, 384 pages, $29.95. Reviewed by Robert Bellafiore. In the last years of Romanov Russia, Sergei Rachmaninoff was enjoying life as a musical giant, composing such titanic hits as the...
Gerald Russello and the Art of Memory

Gerald Russello and the Art of Memory

By Dermot Quinn. This essay was delivered as a memorial lecture at Fordham University, New York, on November 15, 2023. One of the easiest ways of remembering Gerald Russello is to listen to him. So here he is, in that powerful, reasonable, humane, wise voice of his,...
Russell Kirk and Japan: Enamored by the Dead

Russell Kirk and Japan: Enamored by the Dead

By Hiro Aida These remarks were delivered on April 19, 2024, at an event hosted by the Japanese Consulate in Miami and the Russell Kirk Center at the 60th Anniversary of The Philadelphia Society in Tampa, Florida. “How kind of you to send me a copy of Ugetsu...