The Leaven of the Saints: Bringing Christ into a Fallen World By Dawn Marie Beutner. Ignatius Press, 2023. Paperback, 316 pages, $19.95. Reviewed by Thomas Griffin. Saints change the world because their own lives have become an offering to God. Their self-offering...
What is Christianity? The Last Writings By Pope Benedict XVI. Ignatius Press, 2023. Hardcover, 230 pages, $24.95. Reviewed by Ryan Patrick Budd. At the lowest point in his life, when everything was falling in ruin, King Saul of Israel knew whom he really wanted to...
Jesus in the Minnows: A Catholic Beat Memoir By David Craig. Angelico Press, 2023. Paperback, 216 pages, $17.95. Reviewed by Alex Taylor. There are two types of people in the world. Those who like the Beat poets and those…well. Beat poet turned monastic Thomas...
Jerome’s Tears: Letters to Friends in Mourning Introduction and Translation by David G. Bonagura, Jr. Sophia Institute Press, 2023. Paperback, 128 pages, $18.95. Reviewed by David Weinberger. The death of a loved one can be wrenchingly painful. It is during such a...
Understanding The Hillbilly Thomist: The Philosophical Foundations of Flannery O’Connor’s Narrative Art By Fr. Damian Ference. Word on Fire, 2023. Paperback, 280 pages, $24.95. Reviewed by Henry T. Edmondson III. By her own admission, Flannery O’Connor was...
Home, Sour Home---Daniel Fischer reviews "Western Self-Contempt: Oikophobia in the Decline of Civilizations" by @BenedictBeckeld Northern Illinois University Press
.@jp_omalley Interviews Author @FrankTallis on his recent book: "Mortal Secrets: Freud, Vienna, and the Discovery of the Modern Mind" @stmartinspress