American Catholic: The Politics of Faith During the Cold War by D. G. Hart. Cornell University Press, 2020. Hardback, 280 pages, $29.95 Reviewed by Daniel James Sundahl In 1864, Pope Pius IX issued Syllabus Errorum, outlining heresies opposed to Catholic Church...
By Patrick Callahan Today the Piazza d’Aracoeli is a small row of umbrella pines and a bus station tucked below the Victor Emmanuel II Monument. Compared to the imposing white façade of this tomb of the unknown soldier, there is little to capture the imagination of...
Glory in All Things: St. Benedict and Catholic Education Today by André Gushurst-Moore. Angelico Press, 2020. Paperback, 170 pages, $17.95. Reviewed by John C. Pinheiro Controversy in Catholic education did not begin with the 1967 Land O’Lakes Declaration. How best to...
Beauty: What It Is and Why It Matters by John-Mark L. Miravalle. Sophia Institute Press, 2019. Paperback, 176 pages, $15. Reviewed by John Tuttle A plate garnished and well seasoned, a garden bed of blooming flora, the yawning archways of a grand cathedral, and the...
SymposiumMurray’s We Hold These Truths: 1960 and Today Hunter Baker John Courtney Murray is often thought of as the American Catholic who did the most to bridge the gap between the American constitutional tradition and the Church of Rome on the relationship between...