The Achievement of the Irish Poets

The Achievement of the Irish Poets

Catholic Modernism and the Irish “Avant-Garde”: The Achievement of Brian Coffey, Denis Devlin, and Thomas MacGreevy By James Matthew Wilson. Catholic University of America Press, 2024. Paperback, 488 pages, $29.95. Reviewed by David Weinberger. Although...
The Last European

The Last European

The World of Yesterday: Memoirs of a European By Stefan Zweig. Viking Press, 1943 (English Translation). Reviewed by John P. Rossi. On February 23, 1942, while Axis forces were triumphing everywhere—the Japanese overrunning the Philippines, the British withdrawing...
Love That Tells the Truth

Love That Tells the Truth

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age By Rosaria Butterfield. Crossway, 2023. Hardcover, 368 pages, $29.99. Reviewed by Sarah Reardon. Pride flags bedeck the Planned Parenthood clinic in my city. Often the volunteers who “escort” women into the abortion clinic wear...
We Still Need Family, Religion, and Tradition

We Still Need Family, Religion, and Tradition

Enemies of the Innocent: Life, Truth, and Meaning in a Dark Age By N. A. Haug.  Academica Press, 2023. Paperback, 376 pages, $35. Reviewed by Chuck Chalberg. This book is at once terribly important and terribly frustrating. How could that possibly be, one justifiably...
Help Yourself

Help Yourself

Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up By Abigail Shrier. Sentinel, 2024. Hardcover, 320 pages, $30. Reviewed by Robert Grant Price. Abigail Shrier’s new book Bad Therapy has a simple thesis: children and teens get too much therapy and too much of that therapy is...