A Marvelous Tale

Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary by J. R. R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien. Houghton Mifflin, 2014. Hardcover, 448 pages, $28. J. R. R. Tolkien’s newly published translation of Beowulf will be of interest to two overlapping groups: on the one hand,...

Reclaiming the Common Mind

The Common Mind: Politics, Society, and Christian Humanism, by André Gushurst-Moore. Tacoma, WA: Angelico Press, 2013. 251 pages. $25. T. S. Eliot gives a statement by the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus as an epigraph to Four Quartets: “Although the Logos is...

Eliot’s Politics in Context

Dreams of a Totalitarian Utopia: Literary Modernism and Politics, by Leon Surette. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011. Cloth, xv + 363 pages. $59.95.Some years ago at a conference a speaker mentioned in passing that Eliot had “flirted with fascism.” This comment...

The Architecture of a Man’s Time

Essays: Personal and Impersonal, by Milton Hindus. Black Sparrow Press, 1988 191 pp., paper, $10.00. Milton Hindus’s Essays: Personal and Impersonal is not an encyclopaedic volume except for the climate of its thought, tolerantly revealing to Hindus and his reader...

The Light Invisible

T. S. Eliot (Longman Critical Readers Series) edited and introduced by Harriet Davidson. Longman (London), 210 pp., $69.95 cloth, 1999. The current dominance of postmodern literary theory in the Academy may be illustrated by an experience of mine at the relatively...