The Rabbit Hutch: A Novel By Tess Gunty. Knopf, 2022. Hardcover, 352 pages, $28. Reviewed by Jeffrey Wald. Although I dislike identity politics, I must admit that when it comes to literature, I love to camp with my own tribe. In other words, I have a particular...
Three Roads Back: How Emerson, Thoreau, and William James Responded to the Greatest Losses of Their Lives By Robert D. Richardson. Princeton University Press, 2023. Hardcover, 128 pages, $22.95. Reviewed by Paul Krause. Death is a morbid topic, one that most people...
Tolkien’s Faith: A Spiritual Biography by Holly Ordway. Word on Fire Academic, 2023. Hardcover, 532 pages, $ 34.95. Reviewed by Adam Schwartz. J. R. R. Tolkien famously described The Lord of the Rings as a “fundamentally religious and Catholic work.”...
The Professor’s Dog and Other Stories By David B. Schock. PenUltimate, Ltd., 2022. Paperback, 155 pages, $11.95. Reviewed by Jonathan R. Eller. David B. Schock’s wide-ranging career as a newspaper editor, filmmaker, and non-fiction author draws inspiration from a...
Science and Literature in Cormac McCarthy’s Expanding Worlds By Bryan Giemza. Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. Hardcover, 184 pages, $100. Reviewed by Philip D. Bunn. Works of scholarship on art, literature, or poetry can take multiple forms. One form might be scholarship...