The Beauty of an Integrated Life

The Beauty of an Integrated Life

By Bruce P. Frohnen Like many of his friends, I met Gerald Russello only a few times in person. We spoke only a few times by phone and exchanged emails only on occasion. But he was always an important part of my life. As a kind, judicious, and imaginative editor, a...
Gerald Russello, Legal Humanist

Gerald Russello, Legal Humanist

By Glen Sproviero A few years back, I was standing on a packed southbound 1 train in lower Manhattan when I noticed a fellow commuter glancing through the latest edition of The New Criterion.  Looking for an icebreaker, I teased that while I had significant respect...
The Law’s Good Servant, but God’s First

The Law’s Good Servant, but God’s First

By David G. Bonagura, Jr. “But he performed an even greater task, that union of reason with faith that is the mark of a Christian scholar.” So wrote Gerald J. Russello, then 27 years of age, about Christopher Dawson, the eminent Catholic historian, in his...
Lunch Man: A Remembrance of Gerald Russello

Lunch Man: A Remembrance of Gerald Russello

By Jack Fowler There were many, hundreds upon hundreds, of emails that catalogued 15 years of friendship and low-grade skullduggery with Gerald Joseph Russello, a.k.a. Jerry. Or was it “Gerry?” Because in all of those years he never once signed off his missives with...