Shade of the Raintree: The Life and Death of Ross Lockridge, Jr., Author of Raintree County. by Larry Lockridge. Indiana University Press, 1994, 2014. Paperback, 544 pages, $25. I started with the obituary. It ran on the front page. Of the New York Times. Yes, the...
‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ and My Fortunate Home by Caleb Stegall If ever an association between a book and state has been stamped on the national consciousness it must be the up-and-down literary-geographical marriage between Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz...
Of Time and Place: A Farm in Wisconsin by Richard Quinney. Ivan R. Dee (Chicago), 192 pp. $28.00 cloth, 2006. The American experience has always existed in tension with, if not outright hostility towards, the strictures of time and place. By the very nature of its...
Transmitting Western Civilization Through Education--@darrellfalconbu reviews "On Being Civilized: A Few Lines Amid the Breakage" by Tracy Lee Simmons.
@MemoriaCollege Press.