Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age By Rosaria Butterfield. Crossway, 2023. Hardcover, 368 pages, $29.99. Reviewed by Sarah Reardon. Pride flags bedeck the Planned Parenthood clinic in my city. Often the volunteers who “escort” women into the abortion clinic wear...
Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up By Abigail Shrier. Sentinel, 2024. Hardcover, 320 pages, $30. Reviewed by Robert Grant Price. Abigail Shrier’s new book Bad Therapy has a simple thesis: children and teens get too much therapy and too much of that therapy is...
Social Justice Fallacies By Thomas Sowell. Basic Books, 2023. Hardcover, 224 pages, $28. Reviewed by Edward Weech. Over the past decade, the discourse of “social justice” has ripped through the Western world, inspiring a cultural insurgency that has undermined the...
Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture By Anthony Esolen. Regnery Gateway, 2017/2022. Paperback, 256 pages, $16.99. Reviewed by Jeffrey Folks. In an age of political correctness and guarded speech, Anthony Esolen’s writing strikes one as wonderfully...
The Apocalypse of the Sovereign Self: Recovering the Christian Mystery of Personhood By Gil Bailie. Angelico Press, 2023. Paperback, 336 pages, $22.95. Reviewed by Robert Grant Price. One question of the moment is whether the West can survive without Christianity as...