The Troubled Science of the Middle East

The Troubled Science of the Middle East

The Political Science of the Middle East: Theory and Research Since the Arab Uprisings Edited by Marc Lynch, Jillian Schwedler, and Sean Yom. Oxford University Press, 2022. Paperback, $29.95, 320 Pages. Reviewed by Samuel Sweeney. The last ten years have upended the...
Arguing the Unarguable Thing

Arguing the Unarguable Thing

Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing By Ryan T. Anderson and Alexandra DeSanctis. Regnery Publishing, 2022. Hardcover, 256 pages, $29.99. Reviewed by Nicole M. King. It is common practice for professors (or teaching assistants) of English...
Russell Kirk vs. Fusionism: A Conflict in Name Only?

Russell Kirk vs. Fusionism: A Conflict in Name Only?

By Jason Jewell. This essay is based on remarks delivered at NatCon3 in Miami in September 2022. Fusionism, the strategy to form an alliance between political conservatives and libertarians during the Cold War, was hotly debated among primary figures in the movement...
Paul Johnson (1937-2023): A Valediction

Paul Johnson (1937-2023): A Valediction

By M. D. Aeschliman. The prolific English historian and journalist Paul Johnson died two months ago and there was no dearth of substantial obituaries in the British and American media, for both of which he wrote frequently and influentially for sixty years....