Old China

On Essays and Letters On December 31, 2003, I chanced to come across the essay of Charles Lamb (1775–1834) entitled, “Old China.” Naturally, I thought it was about Ancient China. “China,” however, new or old, turned out to be...

Historical Consciousness and Its Enemies

The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, by John Lewis Gaddis (Oxford 2004) The Limits of History, by Constantin Fasolt (Chicago 2003) During the eighteenth century history flourished as literature. By the 1770s, however, a German school of...

Faith and the Marketplace

Business and Religion: A Clash of Civilizations? edited by Nicholas Capaldi (M&M Scrivener Press, 2005), 442 pages. This book is the first in a series published by M&M Scrivener Press, and edited by Nicholas Capaldi, the Legendre-Soule Distinguished Chair of...

Faith-based Initiatives in Action

Street Saints: Renewing America’s Cities by Barbara J. Elliott (Templeton Foundation Press, 2004), 320 pages Some of the world’s greatest people are largely unknown, for they accomplish positive, life-changing deeds in quiet, unannounced ways. Their work...

Books in Little

Darwinian Fairytales, by David Stove. With an introduction by Roger Kimball (Encounter Books, 345 pp., $27.50). The Australian philosopher David Stove, who died in 1994, was largely unknown in the United States until Roger Kimball, of the New Criterion, began writing...