Lincoln and the Dignity of the Presidency

The Roman Republic was at the back of the minds of the framers of the American Constitution; it was their hope that the chief magistrate of these United States would conduct himself with “the high old Roman virtue,” becoming an exemplar of pietas, gravitas,...

A Guide to Voegelin’s Thought

Eric Voegelin’s Search for Order in History edited by Stephen A. McKnight. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1978. 209 pp. [Expanded edition, 1987, 252 pp.] In the spring of 1953, Time magazine published a long review-essay entitled “Journalism and...

Conserving Liberty Online Lectures

The New Centurion Leadership Program has begun a monthly live broadcast on UStream with eight lectures on “Conserving Liberty” and focusing on Russell Kirk and F. A. Hayek. In January, Senior Fellow Gleaves Whitney introduced Kirk’s life and work, focusing on The...

Terror and the ‘Market State’

Terror and Consent: The Wars for the Twenty-First Century by Philip Bobbitt (New York: A. A. Knopf, 2008) x + 672 pp, $35.00 (cloth).Phillip Bobbitt thinks big. In the 552 pages of the text of Terror and Consent, he displays a mastery of terrorism, intelligence,...