Resisting the Imperial Academy

The Critic as Conservator: Essays in Literature, Society, and Culture by George A. Panichas. Catholic University of America Press (Baltimore, MD) 1992, xii + 262 pp., $49.95.If you think that our intellectual culture is healthy, you do not want to read this book. It...

ISI Announces New President

Congratulations to Christopher Long, the new President and Chief Executive Officer of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Chris Long succeeds T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr., who has been named president emeritus. The Kirk Center warmly welcomes Chris and bids a very fond...

A Bold Music

The Great American Symphony: Music, the Depression, and War by Nicholas Tawa (Indiana University Press, 2009), 256 pages, $25.In The Great American Symphony: Music, the Depression, and War, Nicholas Tawa offers to his readership a much-needed study of an important but...
Discerning of Spirits

Discerning of Spirits

Furnace of Doubt: Dostoevsky and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ by Arther Trace. Sherwood Sugden and Company, 1988; Open Court 1999, 178 pp. $6.95 paper. The religious essences of F. M. Dostoevsky’s vision defy full and final evaluation, for there is always something new to...

William Rusher, R.I.P.

As so many have pointed out, all his life, Bill Rusher provided energetic and steady leadership to the conservative movement. While much appreciated for his wit and wisdom, I was especially grateful for his invaluable support of my efforts to found the Russell Kirk...