By Stephen Schmalhofer Sixteen days before Willa Cather died she wrote to Sigrid Undset lamenting “the strange deterioration in human beings” evident in the desire of seemingly every American “to want to live in New York City, drink cocktails, and wear outrageous...
The Princess of All Lands by Russell Kirk. Arkham House, 1979. Hardcover, 238 pages. (Stories reprinted in Ancestral Shadows, ISI, 2004). Reviewed by Stephen Schmalhofer One unexpected benefit of moving from New York City to Connecticut is the recovery of October from...
Rendez-vous with Art by Philippe de Montebello and Martin Gayford. Thames & Hudson, 2014. Hardcover, 248 pages, $35. Reviewed by Stephen Schmalhofer While his cause lingers, if Dante were to be canonized, museum patrons will have a patron saint. As tourists...
So easy to forget that the best way to educate yourself is to read great works of literature and philosophy, then talk about them. Bring back the salon!