The Definitive Guide to the Irish in the Modern World

The Definitive Guide to the Irish in the Modern World

On Every Tide: The Making and Remaking of the Irish World By Sean Connolly. Basic Books, 2022. Hardcover, 528 pp. $35. Reviewed by John P. Rossi.  Writing about the Irish diaspora, especially as it relates to those Irish who emigrated to the United States, has...
The Geography of the Peace at Eighty

The Geography of the Peace at Eighty

The Geography of the Peace By Nicholas John Spykman. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1944. By Francis P. Sempa. As the United States pours more resources into the Ukraine War and the conflicts in the Levant, our policymakers could do worse than reflect on a book written...
Russell Kirk and Japan: Enamored by the Dead

Russell Kirk and Japan: Enamored by the Dead

By Hiro Aida These remarks were delivered on April 19, 2024, at an event hosted by the Japanese Consulate in Miami and the Russell Kirk Center at the 60th Anniversary of The Philadelphia Society in Tampa, Florida. “How kind of you to send me a copy of Ugetsu...
Russell Kirk and Japan: Enamored by the Dead

Comments on Hiro Aida’s Speech on Russell Kirk and Japan

By Luke C. Sheahan. These remarks were delivered on April 19, 2024, in response to Hiro Aida’s comments on “Russell Kirk and Japan” at an event hosted by the Japanese Consulate in Miami and the Russell Kirk Center at the 60th Anniversary of The Philadelphia Society in...
Is Life Worth Living?

Is Life Worth Living?

By Russell Kirk (October 19, 1918 – April 29, 1994). This excerpt from the concluding chapter of Kirk’s third-person autobiography is reprinted here in commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of Kirk’s death. In some ages, what Thoreau says is true:...
Recovering the Person

Recovering the Person

The Apocalypse of the Sovereign Self: Recovering the Christian Mystery of Personhood By Gil Bailie. Angelico Press, 2023. Paperback, 336 pages, $22.95. Reviewed by Robert Grant Price. One question of the moment is whether the West can survive without Christianity as...
Contra Materialism and Gnosticism

Contra Materialism and Gnosticism

The Great Campaign Against The Great Reset By Jason Jones. Crisis Publications, 2024. Hardcover, 240 Pages, $21.95. Reviewed by David Weinberger.  It is well known that anxiety, depression, and suicide rates have exploded among adolescents in recent years. While...
Justice and Morality in Smithian Liberalism

Justice and Morality in Smithian Liberalism

Central Notions of Smithian Liberalism  By Daniel B. Klein. CL Press, 2023. Paperback, 338 pages, $14. Reviewed by Paul D. Mueller. Central Notions of Smithian Liberalism collects a series of academic articles and essays written by Daniel Klein and various co-authors....