The University Bookman

Reviewing Books that Build Culture

Revivifying the Conservative Movement

“Roberts has perceived the deep and fundamental crisis within the American body politic, and that crisis is a spiritual crisis.”

The Mystery of Imitation

“…Haven draws attention to the relevance of Girard’s writings for our times. When reading many of the other chapters she chose, I could not help thinking about contemporary American social and political disorders. In ‘The Totalitarian Trial’ and ‘Retribution,’ for example, Girard argues Job’s alleged friends, like Stalin’s interrogators, are really representatives of the community demanding Job’s consent to his own persecution. The unity of the community hinges on Job’s willingness to confess his ‘crimes.’ Only then can he be killed and forgotten, ‘unpersoned,’ as Orwell would say. A similar dynamic is at work in cancel culture.”

An Italian Apologia for the American Electoral System

“The purpose of the book is to understand the reasons for the intricate electoral system, which has proven to be remarkably stable and orderly throughout American history. Mainly addressed to an Italian audience that is naturally less familiar with American voting, it can also be useful for Americans to understand how the whole design is ordered to secure a fair system against totalitarian democracy.”

The Centrality of Civic Virtue

“A just polity grows as we acquire a moral sense, which fosters attitudes and actions of benevolence toward others…”

Sexuality and Gender: Returning to the Sources

Sexuality and Gender: Returning to the Sources

Once in a very long while one finds a volume that checks four boxes: It is a joy to read; academically fair and well-informed; timely enough to be essential reading in a current debate; and not so thick that it can double as a doorstop. Brian Patrick Mitchell’s book on Christian sexuality and gender is such a rarity. One is tempted to add that in the current cultural climate, with so much errant nonsense being written about sexuality and gender, that his book should be required reading for any wanting to opine on the topic.

Unlikely Centers of Cultural Change

Unlikely Centers of Cultural Change

For a time, then, coffeehouses exercised a crucial but (today) largely unremarked influence upon the fashioning of Anglo-American civilization. Mr. Reynolds’s fine book seeks to remedy that deficiency.

The Mysterious Being in the Ring

The Mysterious Being in the Ring

“Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow, but what is the point of him? He is one of the most enigmatic characters in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, and perhaps also the most polarizing.”

Politics Between History and Eternity

Politics Between History and Eternity

“Far from being an obscure intellectual backwater, the story of the nouvelle theologie and its rivals may illuminate the central animating conflict of Christian political theology as such.”

The Book Gallery

A collection of conversations with Bookman editor Luke C. Sheahan and writers and authors of imagination and erudition.

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