The Geography of the Peace at Eighty

The Geography of the Peace at Eighty

The Geography of the Peace By Nicholas John Spykman. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1944. By Francis P. Sempa. As the United States pours more resources into the Ukraine War and the conflicts in the Levant, our policymakers could do worse than reflect on a book written...
Kennan: The Fallible Prophet We Need

Kennan: The Fallible Prophet We Need

George Kennan for Our Time  By Lee Congdon. Northern Illinois University Press, 2022. Paperback, 232 pages, $19.95. Reviewed by Francis P. Sempa. The United States in the early 21st century, Lee Congdon writes, suffers from a wayward internationalist foreign policy...
Pat Buchanan and an America First Foreign Policy

Pat Buchanan and an America First Foreign Policy

By Francis P. Sempa. Patrick J. Buchanan has announced his retirement from writing his syndicated column. He is, at age 84, reportedly working on a memoir. Long before Donald Trump strode onto the political scene, Buchanan laid the intellectual foundations for an...
James Burnham: The Partisan Review Years

James Burnham: The Partisan Review Years

By Francis P. Sempa. When James Burnham formally left the Socialist Workers Party in 1940 (intellectually, he had left it the year before), he did not immediately embrace the conservatism of his American Mercury, The Freeman, and National Review years. Burnham instead...