We congratulate Joseph Duggan on the release of his e-book Give Paz a Chance and the impending publication of The Zuckerberg Galaxy: A Primer for Negotiating the Media Maelstrom, portions of which first appeared in the University Bookman.
Bookman associate editor David Bonagura has written a piece for The Catholic Thing, “Otto von Habsburg: Monarch, Freedom Fighter, Catholic,” as the late Archduke was laid to rest with his ancestors.
We direct your attention to a recent post on the Imaginative Conservative Blog where Brad Birzer has collected a few forgotten items from the Kirk Center archives and elsewhere on the relationship of Russell Kirk and Leo Strauss. It was more amicable than is generally...
In Public Discourse, the online journal of the Witherspoon Institute, Ryan Anderson has a two-part article on the flaws of modern economics (part one) (part two). We commend it to your attention. Anderson notes the lacunae in modern economic thought, which has little...
The Bookman is pleased to highlight an essay on the enduring relevance of Whittaker Chambers from Bookman friend and contributor Richard Reinsch. It is a concise summary of his book on Chambers, published recently by ISI.
Home, Sour Home---Daniel Fischer reviews "Western Self-Contempt: Oikophobia in the Decline of Civilizations" by @BenedictBeckeld Northern Illinois University Press
.@jp_omalley Interviews Author @FrankTallis on his recent book: "Mortal Secrets: Freud, Vienna, and the Discovery of the Modern Mind" @stmartinspress