Two Essays on the Imagination

We have added to the web site two pieces by Russell Kirk that touch on the moral imagination. First, “The Moral Imagination,” a 1981 essay that describes the concept. Second is “Is Life Worth Living?” the epilogue of Kirk’s autobiography, The Sword of...

Wall Street Journal

We were pleased to see the aptly titled op-ed “The Conservative Mind” by Peter Berkowitz in The Wall Street Journal on May 29, 2007. Very clearly written and helpful.

C-SPAN Radio Broadcast

C-SPAN Radio’s American Political Archive program will be broadcasting for the first time ever a conversation between Russell Kirk and the late liberal social critic Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., recorded in the late 1970s. It will broadcast live on Saturday, March 31 at...

A Conservatism of Thought and Imagination

Ten Conservative Principles (1993) First, the conservative believes that there exists an enduring moral order. Second, the conservative adheres to custom, convention, and continuity. Third, conservatives believe in what may be called the principle of prescription....
About Russell Kirk

About Russell Kirk

For more than forty years, Russell Kirk was in the thick of the intellectual controversies of his time. He is the author of some thirty-two books, hundreds of periodical essays, and many short stories. Both Time and Newsweek have described him as one of America’s...