The latest number of the Russell Kirk Center newsletter (Spring 2011) has just been posted. It features a profile of Ian Crowe, the new editor of Studies in Burke and His Times and an interview with W. Winston Elliott III. You can download it, and past issues,...
Congratulations to Christopher Long, the new President and Chief Executive Officer of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Chris Long succeeds T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr., who has been named president emeritus. The Kirk Center warmly welcomes Chris and bids a very fond...
As so many have pointed out, all his life, Bill Rusher provided energetic and steady leadership to the conservative movement. While much appreciated for his wit and wisdom, I was especially grateful for his invaluable support of my efforts to found the Russell Kirk...
We are delighted to announce and welcome you to the new online University Bookman. We will be updating weekly and hope you will follow us by e-mail, RSS, or Twitter. Please { title=”let us know”} if any links are broken or...
The Imaginative Conservative blog has been posting lots of great material by and about Russell Kirk, including Kirk’s reflection on the twelve days of Christmas, the 1953 review of The Conservative Mind from the New York Times, and a selection on the unbought...
The last full print issue of The University Bookman is now in the mail and posted here. Subscribers to The University Bookman who wish to receive a copy of The Essential Russell Kirk in lieu of the remainder of their subscription should e-mail the publisher at...
So easy to forget that the best way to educate yourself is to read great works of literature and philosophy, then talk about them. Bring back the salon!