Book Launch of The Conservative Mind in Brazil
We’re pleased to announce that The Conservative Mind, translated into Portuguese for the first time, has recently been published in Brazil. On January 12th, Alex Catharino, the writer of the introduction, conducted the virtual book launch from the É Realizações Editora auditorium in Sao Paulo. In the live interview with Jeff and Cecilia Nelson, Alex asked about “the man behind the book” with a focus on Kirk’s role as a mentor for the pair. Jeff had the unique experience of working with Kirk in his library as his assistant in the 1980’s, then published several of his books, and later co-founded the Russell Kirk Center with Annette Kirk. Cecilia spoke extensively about her father’s ideas and their integration into how he lived his private life. She also responded to Alex’s inquiry regarding her current role in promulgating her father’s literary legacy.
The video of the English-language discussion is available on the YouTube channel of É Realizações, the publisher, here.
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