Kirk Center Co-Founder Interviewed on “Coffee with Cornelius” Podcast
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Book Launch of The Conservative Mind in Brazil
We're pleased to announce that The Conservative Mind, translated into Portuguese for the first time, has recently been published in Brazil. On January 12th, Alex Catharino, the writer of the introduction, conducted the virtual book launch from the É Realizações...
The University Bookman at 60: A Retrospective
This year, the University Bookman celebrates its 60th year of publication. Historian George Nash charts the journal from its origins in an arrangement between Russell Kirk and William F. Buckley Jr. to its evolution into a respected source for cultural commentary from...
College Students Attend The Tocqueville Forum’s Retreat at The Kirk Center
The Kirk Center hosted students from The Tocqueville Forum of Hope College, joined by additional students from Northwood University, for an intellectual retreat titled “From Statesmanship to Poetry" from November 22 - 24. Organized by Dr. Jeff Polet, professor of...
University of Louisville Students Consider Law, Culture, and the Afterlife at The Kirk Center
Forty students from The University of Louisville traveled from Kentucky to the Kirk Center in Mecosta to attend a four-day seminar led by Kirk Center Senior Fellows and other distinguished scholars.Senior Fellows James Person Jr., Dr. Bruce Frohnen of Ohio Northern...