A Very American Historian

A Very American Historian

C. Vann Woodward: America’s Historian By James C. Cobb.  University of North Carolina Press, 2022. Hardcover, 504 pages, $37.50. Reviewed by John C. Chalberg. Should C. Vann Woodward be regarded as America’s historian? Given his career and this biography, a more...
History Is Never Certain

History Is Never Certain

The Man Who Understood Democracy: The Life of Alexis de Tocqueville By Olivier Zunz. Princeton University Press, 2022. Hardcover, 472 pages, $35. Reviewed by Sarah Gustafson. In years since Alexis de Tocqueville’s death in 1859, his popularity has ebbed and flowed...
Feminism Inside Out

Feminism Inside Out

Still Mad: American Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar. W. W. Norton, 2021. Hardcover, 464 pages, $28. Reviewed by Carl Rollyson The title of the work under review hearkens back to The Mad Woman in the Attic: The Woman...
The Enduring Solzhenitsyn

The Enduring Solzhenitsyn

Between Two Millstones, Book 2: Exile in America, 1978–1994 by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. University of Notre Dame Press, 2020. Hardcover, 584 pages, $39. Reviewed by Jeremy Kee The world as a whole, and the United States in particular, is changing more quickly and...